Why Personalization Matters
Why does personalization matter? Well, it can lead to an increase in sales revenue by impacting a customer’s purchasing decision. Check out this information for a few stats!
Colleen Eakins is a dynamic and creative individual that possess a knack for great design. With over 15 years of experience in the field of graphic design, Colleen is able to effectively brand her clients with great design pieces. Her motto is: “Anyone can make a pretty picture, but is it effective? Will it make your customer buy your product or use your services? My design tries to answer with a YES!”
What is IGTV – Is it for Small Businesses?
What is IGTV? It’s a platform owned by Instagram, is a standalone vertical video application made for smartphones. Its intent is for business purposes to feature longer videos to bring audiences closer to their favorite brands. In many ways, it is comparable to YouTube with uploading feature videos that users can subscribe to, as well as related channels. The software also offers a seamless integration between Instagram and IGTV to remove hassle of video uploads to be viewed on both platforms.

I received my Bachelors in Marketing and Certification in the Pastry Arts. I have managed a wide array of printed and digital marketing needs.
Instagram and Facebook Stories
Instagram and Facebook stories are the latest social media craze to be adopted by marketers. Are you using them with your business? Here are five ways to leverage your business with this social media feature.
Denese is a lover of knowledge and puts her research skills and creative eye to good use with her infographics. When she’s not researching and designing visuals to present data, she spends time volunteering in her other passion–health education.
Filtering Business Reviews
There is always that one negative business review that sticks out like a sore thumb from the mound of positive comments. A perfectly reasonable and sound explanation can be used to justify the consumer’s experience, but the review is already placed in to the internet universe for anyone to read and could possibly be someone’s deciding factor.

I received my Bachelors in Marketing and Certification in the Pastry Arts. I have managed a wide array of printed and digital marketing needs.
Benefits of Remote Workers
Benefits of Remote Workers–when your staffing needs increase, but your budget does not. When you do not have the office space/real estate for another desk.
Denese is a lover of knowledge and puts her research skills and creative eye to good use with her infographics. When she’s not researching and designing visuals to present data, she spends time volunteering in her other passion–health education.