2016 Year in Review and 2017 Goals
Last year instead of making New Year’s resolutions, I decided to set 3 goals instead for the year. By choosing a small number of goals, I felt I was more likely to achieve what I set out to do, rather than make a bunch of resolutions that would probably fall by the wayside. I am […]
Colleen Eakins is a dynamic and creative individual that possess a knack for great design. With over 15 years of experience in the field of graphic design, Colleen is able to effectively brand her clients with great design pieces. Her motto is: “Anyone can make a pretty picture, but is it effective? Will it make your customer buy your product or use your services? My design tries to answer with a YES!”
Projected Digital Marketing Trends For 2017
A new year is here, and that means it’s time to speculate about what digital marketing trends will emerge! There’s no question there will be some new trends to follow, but much of what will happen in 2017 has already been happening! Classic strategies don’t change much from one year to the next, but strategies […]
I’m a Digital Marketer & Freelance Writer with a penchant for all things forward-thinking and positive. I’m a fan of abundance and progress.
Develop a Winning Marketing Plan for Your Business Mobile App
If you decide to develop an app, it’s important you don’t fall into a “Field of Dreams” syndrome. That famous movie brought us the line “If you build it, they will come.” Keep in mind; they were referring specifically to a baseball field in the middle of a farm! If that’s not what you’re doing, […]
I’m a Digital Marketer & Freelance Writer with a penchant for all things forward-thinking and positive. I’m a fan of abundance and progress.
Determine Your Mobile App Needs Through Research and Discovery
More and more businesses are deciding on creating custom apps. The idea is a sound one due to all the benefits app owners receive. However, despite this desire to appeal to mobile users, many small business operators don’t understand the process involved with bringing an app from its initial design to distribution. What matters most […]
I’m a Digital Marketer & Freelance Writer with a penchant for all things forward-thinking and positive. I’m a fan of abundance and progress.
What Is The Difference Between A Mobile Website and a Mobile App?
With technology changing at the speed of light, it can be challenging for business owners who don’t consider themselves to be ‘technically savvy’ to stay abreast of the shifts in digital technology. Specifically, when it pertains to mobile. While many business owners recognize the need to have a web presence that’s compatible with mobile traffic, […]
I’m a Digital Marketer & Freelance Writer with a penchant for all things forward-thinking and positive. I’m a fan of abundance and progress.