Messing up Your Content Marketing Could Destroy Your Brand Forever
There’s little doubt that many people who want to market products or services online are not careful with their content. Perhaps they have others to do the work for them, or they are in a hurry to push out more ideas fast. Either way, careless mistakes are common across the web.
Massive enterprises may be able to get away with a few ‘typos’ or grammatical troubles here and there. Smaller brands, though, cannot afford this same luxury. When they err, people don’t trust them anymore. It makes sense. When a consumer searches for a new provider of a service or product, they tend to be critical. Any issues of poor design, structure, or writing could turn them off to your company’s message forever.
Your Content Offerings Should Be In Line With Your Overall Branding
If your organization produces shoddy content, you’re telling the world that your brand just doesn’t care about quality. Why would people part with their hard-earned dollars to take the risk of dealing with your firm, then?
Even worse is if your company screws up and publishes something defamatory, insulting to a broad group of people, or that lacks context and causes misunderstandings. In that case, your entire brand may face a crisis. People can switch tastes overnight and might do so due to an errant post or miscommunication. One significant mistake is all it takes to wipe out years of goodwill.
By now you know the takeaway is: content errors make your organization look like amateurs. The problem here is that people don’t want to PAY amateurs. The fact you take payments makes you a professional by default, so show the world you have a commitment to professionalism by producing flawless content that drives impressive business results.
How Can I Solve This Potential Branding Problem?
By now you’re probably throwing your hands up in the air and exclaiming, “I can’t take any content errors! What do I do?”
Well, the good news is professional content marketers take pride in their craft and can perform perfect work for your brand, regardless of the scope of the project.
The advantage of using professional content marketers is that they understand how crucial it is to get things right on the first try with no warm up. Time is money so they cannot afford to go back and fix errors or to clean up an ugly mess from a social media faux pas.
Accuracy and Authenticity Always Sell
Brands need to convey authority and authenticity with every move they make. The best way to accomplish this goal is to push out stellar content that gets shares and engagement. People only engage with content they truly admire and enjoy, so the barrier to accomplishing this requirement is high. With so many competitors doing the same thing you can see why content consumers are so finicky. They don’t have to deal with weak companies or brands that don’t seem to care a bit about accuracy or doing the job right!
Make Content Errors a Thing of the Past
Once you decide to eliminate content errors from your life, you’ll need to make a plan. Whether you choose to keep the work in-house or hire freelancers or agencies doesn’t matter. What’s crucial is that you develop a thorough process of error checking before distribution. That way you’ll be able to discover errors early in the content product pipeline, instead of when an angry prospect notifies you!
Errors in content happen during the project management stage. Savvy administrators have systems in place to safeguard against mistakes making it in front of end users. Instead, perfect documents go into distribution. In the case of high volume content production, systems matter even more. If your organization is making mistakes, those problems will scale rapidly!
Delegate Tasks and Get Things Done!
Delegating content production to others makes sense if you don’t have the time or inclination to do it right. Whether you have an English-savvy person on your staff or you have to outsource doesn’t make a difference. All that matters is that your end product is professional and error free. That’s all your prospects have to judge your brand by, so give them what they expect regarding quality.
The Internet has grown so much that amateurish efforts rarely pay off these days. There’s a lot of competition out there so keep that in mind when you want to launch a new content distribution plan. You need to have the best possible unique content and a plan to get it in front of the right people.
Follow the Content Schedule
A primary reason mistakes happen with content is because of a rush mentality. A content schedule is the fastest way to mitigate this issue. Instead of rushing around past your deadline you can calmly create topics and web content way ahead of the publication date. Slowing down the process allows for more planning and better execution. Your team will not turn in material that’s mistake laden if they have enough time and resources to proofread and do final quality checks.
Make a Commitment to Quality
A commitment to quality is necessary for any organization that hopes to receive search engine and social media visitors. Without a professional presentation, you may find yourself facing an uphill battle to gain traction and credibility. Look around at the main players in your industry online. The ones that get the most traffic tend to have deep content that wins likes and shares.
There’s no time like the present to take your content to the next level and you can start by reviewing your existing content. Start with your most popular, visited, and clicked content. Review for errors and mistakes and if necessary, update to make sure the content is still relevant. If you need to delegate this task to someone on your team, do so! Moving forward, create and plan your content. Build a workflow and put a system in place to keep the content you push out, error free. Online businesses are only going to continue growing. If you want your piece of the pie, there’s no reason to settle for less.

I’m a Digital Marketer & Freelance Writer with a penchant for all things forward-thinking and positive. I’m a fan of abundance and progress.