Push Notification Marketing Best Practices
If your business has recently launched a mobile app, you’re probably enthusiastically entering the world of push notification marketing. Congratulations on your new app and for taking a powerful first step towards expanding your marketing program! However, it’s worth pointing out that you should temper your enthusiasm with some of the important realities of the technology.
For instance, the fact you CAN push messages doesn’t mean you should always do so. People will start to think of your brand as annoying if you send too many messages. That’s why most brand managers now expect push messages to follow the same general principles that email marketing follows. For example, get subscribers to opt into push messages and give them a way to turn them off if they don’t want to hear from you. The basic principles of exchanging value for their consent to send messages applies. Once that is in place, continue to follow best practices to achieve optimal results.
Seize on Events to Send Push Messages
People will be happy when you send them reminders of important events. If your product or service has updates, let them know. Reminding someone they have an appointment with your office is a perfect use of a push message! They’ll love knowing you care enough and are professional enough to let them know ahead of schedule. Obviously, the type of app and the nature of your app dictate the kinds of messages you send. Stay timely, and you will have an advantage.
Pay Careful Attention to Your Language Usage
Push messages are succinct. That’s fantastic, but means you have added responsibilities. You need to be entirely precise about what you say. Don’t ever use language that is scary or scolding! Be as friendly and professional as possible. If you have a new version of something, tell people! Also, include any information that you consider to be crucial to communication. It also makes sense to use a “voice” that’s congruent with your overall marketing. That way people will identify with your brand easier.
Location-Based Messaging Is Possible
You may want to notify people based on proximity to your location. If they are local customers who happen to pass within a mile or two of your business, let them know you’re open! You don’t want to be creepy about it, but a gentle nudge based on proximity tends to convert well. You have a unique chance to create a bond with people through the use of mobile marketing. Think like them and get feedback from individuals who use your app and frequent your business. They’ll have plenty of actionable advice for you to use to improve your offering.
Send Alerts That Users Simply Must Have
Another successful class of push messages is the alert of an important trigger. Perhaps a product reaches a certain price point that a user wants. In such a case a push message will drive them to purchase directly. You may even decide to offer a discount to someone who is on the edge of buying. There are a number of ways to approach the subject, but notifications that directly help create sales are always powerful.
Your Imagination Is the Only Limit
You can use push messaging in any manner you like, as long as you meet the technical requirements. If your app sorts or ranks, you can send notifications of items based on sorting and ranking! Whatever functionality your app has can be translated into messaging. What matters most is that the output is useful and demanded by users. There’s nothing wrong with experimenting, especially if you take feedback. Adding features based on customer suggestions is one of the strongest ways to encourage loyalty. Brainstorm with your team to come up with unique and engaging ways to use the technology. It may be surprising just what you discover!
Build in a Response Mechanism
As you know, people don’t like waiting around for answers! If people get in touch with your company, they expect you to respond. Don’t make people wait when using your app. If you do, they’ll simply drop it and move on to greener pastures. Give some serious thought to the structure of your messaging. Automation could be the road to take, when possible. If your user base grows rapidly, you may be unable to respond to messages or users individually. If that’s the case, set up mechanisms that help them discover answers for themselves. That will keep everyone happy when using your program.
Think Like a Marketer
Apps are a chance to reach broad markets. Push notifications are a way to keep people coming back. Those companies who implement marketing strategy across their entire spectrum of channels are making fantastic use of this form of messaging. All it takes is a mindset that says “how can I serve this customer best?” Once you think about what they need and how to provide it, the rest comes easy. You aren’t alone in your project. If you think handling this many details is overwhelming, find a qualified professional to handle it for you. Your campaign needs to work well but it also must satisfy your business objectives. If it doesn’t, you’ll be supporting an app without reaping the rewards. Put marketing at the forefront of everything you do and you won’t have any problems growing your user and customer base significantly.
These are exciting times for mobile marketers who use push notifications. In many ways, the industry is still in its early phase. There are plenty of opportunities to take advantage of if you’re willing to put in the effort. Don’t have a mobile app yet? Contact us today to have one developed. We’re big believers that small businesses benefit enormously from having a mobile app and push notifications are the extra frosting on the cake. Developing an app is a strong first step towards reaching the vast network of mobile users who dominate the digital landscape. Once you achieve a foothold, you’ll be able to work on growing your user count every year. With the right framework in place, you’ll find that this is the most responsive type of marketing you’ve ever done.

I’m a Digital Marketer & Freelance Writer with a penchant for all things forward-thinking and positive. I’m a fan of abundance and progress.