Entries by Colleen Eakins

2014 Marketing/Business Predictions

I thought I would jump on the 2014 prediction bandwagon with a few of my own.  I think that 2014 will see some interesting shifts not so much in the type of marketing that we are seeing now in the digital landscape, but how it is done.  To explain, I will start with my first […]

“I Want to Blog to Make Money.”

The title of this post is a statement that I hear fairly often.  Very recently, I had a conversation with a childhood friend of my mother’s about blogging.  I have been giving advisement to my sister-in-law, whom I like to refer to as just my sister, about her blog.  It started as a hobby for […]

Working a Marketing Strategy into a New Product/Business Launch

Yesterday, I talked about why marketing is important and today I will give you some ideas for how to work a marketing strategy into a new product or business launch.   Step 1 – Research Before you can determine where you should market and how to market your product or business, you first have to […]

Why is Marketing Important?

The simple answer to why marketing is important, is that if no one knows that you exist, you do not really exist.  You can have the greatest product in the world, but if on one knows about it, it will not sell.  It is not enough to have a great idea or product.  It is […]

Creating A Custom Short Link

Over the Thanksgiving holiday break when I was supposed to be “not working,” I worked. I did not do anything stressful or work for clients, but I did do some “internal,” as I call it, work. For a while, I have been wanting to create a custom short link. I share a lot of content […]