Push Notifications Are an Essential Marketing Tool for SMBs

As more people engage, consume and make purchasing decisions using their mobile devices, the popularity of push notifications by business mobile app owners continues to grow. Not only will more companies build mobile apps and employ this technology moving forward, but they will also continue to explore the marketing potential it brings. For marketers, push notifications represent an ideal way to stay in touch with prospects and customers.

Push notifications are the fastest way to stay in contact with a connected customer and are a quick way to let people know about updates and new features.

Cross-Channel Promotions Are a Necessity

Small businesses need to use as many cross-channel promotional strategies as they can. There’s no reason to focus on just one channel because that’s not how the modern digital landscape works. These days, people spend time on their favorite sites and apps and respond differently to communications. Because of this need for diversity, the role of digital marketers keeps changing. It’s crucial to create specific content and messaging not just for specific platforms like social media, email and websites, but also for mobile apps.

Push notifications have proven efficient and should make up a significant part of any SMB digital marketing strategy. In addition to using social media channels and email marketing initiatives to highlight a new product offering; coupon; event or special, consider also using a push notification to make the announcement.

Following up with Customers Brings New Business Through the Door…or Site

Push notifications are a great way to augment your current follow-up process. Most companies already use newsletters and email autoresponders to stay in touch with customers. It’s worth going one step further, by implementing push notifications when possible. Not surprisingly, people tend to pay more attention to a push notification. They have been getting them for a while, so they are used to receiving them and know them to be important or to contain information of interest. Because users routinely ignore emails, marketers have been transitioning to push notifications instead or in addition to their email campaigns.

There are a few rules worth considering before you begin sending these out like a maniac! Remember they’re most effective when something unique and important is going on. For example, a coupon or special will get most people to look. Any vague or unrelated messages will eventually make them want to turn your business’ mobile app notifications off. That’s why picking your spots makes sense. If you don’t overdo it and get your timing right, you’ll have a very high click-through and conversion rate. The job is not to annoy people, but to give them something of interest instead. Make sure any messages you send are brief and to the point.

Add Some Extra Pizzazz with Rich Text Push Notifications

Rich text push notifications contain more than just text in their messages. They may contain web links to click for more information, a link to a specific area of the mobile app and even maps a user can click on for a location or directions that are specific to the push message notification.

Like with standard push notifications, you always want to be as focused as possible in your messages. Since push notifications tend to be short in general, make your meaning simple. People are busy, so don’t waste their precious time.

Push notifications are going to remain popular because of convenience. Any company that supplies an app will want to notify users about updates pertaining to their company and also to the app itself. In the case of bug fixes or feature upgrades, the fastest way to get users to update their app or try a new feature is with a push notification. Offer users the chance to install the new app and a significant percentage will do it quickly. Tell customers to allow notifications for the very purpose of receiving updates and if your mobile app allows for it, sign-up for the list that meets their specific interests.

Remind Inactive Users You’re Still Around!

Sometimes people forget they installed your mobile app or haven’t used it in awhile. In cases like this, a notification is in order. You can use the old “I missed you” ruse to try and drum up interest. Or, you may consider telling them about a new feature you added since they installed the app. That might be enough motivation to spur them back into action. It’s worth a try at the very least because people often install and forget apps. If someone is inactive, you have little to lose by attempting to spur them into action.

If you don’t have time or the staff to implement a push notification marketing strategy, you can always turn it over to a third party. There are many providers that can step in and fill that gap. If you used a third party to develop your business’ mobile app, your app developer may be able to assist you with a campaign strategy and implementation. Either way, understand this is a dynamic form of marketing and will require testing and tweaking along the way. Once you see patterns emerge, you’ll be in an ideal position to craft campaigns and push notification marketing strategies that work well. Just make sure your notifications are succinct and useful.

Now’s the Time to Begin Your Journey

Adapting your current strategies to mobile platforms will yield a whole new market of potential customers. The app market for small businesses has grown enormously and having the ability to “push” a message to an engaged user base is always going to be beneficial. If your business does not yet have a mobile app, get in touch with Colleen Eakins Design (CED) today, to get started developing one. CED has mobile app development plans that include push notifications (standard and rich messages) to your mobile app users.

How to Start a Blog with HostGator

I wrote a post about 4 years ago titled, “I Need A Website! Where do I Start?” to help provide information to clients and others with questions about starting a website and paying for web design services. This post is written for similar reasons, but goes into details about the signup process with HostGator.

I have been using HostGator to host all of my websites for about 4 or 5 years now, after making a switch from GoDaddy. Although I loved the customer service I received while with GoDaddy, I hated the fees and the fact that they nickeled and dimed me for EVERYTHING! I did not and have not had that experience with HostGator AND I have been quite pleased with the level of customer service I have received from them, when I needed it.

For my web design clients, I encourage them to procure hosting and a domain name on their own (with guidance from me), rather than paying me or someone else to do it. The reason is so that they own those assets. The last thing you want to happen is for your web designer to get sick, close up shop or something worse, whilst holding the keys to your web presence. It also ensures that you can adequately keep up with and be on top of domain name registration expirations.

I’m Confused. What is Hosting? What is a Domain Name?

If you are completely new to blogging and websites, I’ve probably already thrown around a few terms that you are unfamiliar with. So, here is a brief synopsis of what is needed and makes up a website or blog.

I use the analogy of a house to help explain things. In order to start a blog or website, you need a domain name, a hosting account and website files. Your domain name or URL is like your house street address. In order to receive your mail, the post office needs a street address to send it to. In order to view your blog or website, visitors need a URL (address) to type into their web browser.

To obtain a URL, you need to register a domain name with a domain name registrar. There is a fee associated with doing this and they are typically done in yearly terms of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 years. This is something you can do through HostGator and I will go over that process in more detail later in the tutorial.

Your actual house is like hosting. Your house contains your belongings like clothes, lots of shoes and furniture. Clothes and furniture are like your web files. A hosting account or hosting environment is where your web files live. Your web files are the visual representation of your site and are what power and make the site function. They are a combination of what a visitor sees when they navigate to your URL and they are also what churns on the backend of the site to make it all work. HostGator, as the name implies, also provides hosting accounts.

So where does WordPress, Joomla and Drupal fit into all of this? They are what is churning on the backend to power the functionality of your blog or website. They are what we refer to as a CMS, or Content Management System. It’s what allows the average Joe to start a blog site on their own or maintain and update a full website built by a designer.

WordPress is what I use to build full websites for my clients and is probably the most popular CMS for blogs. It is very user friendly, but I will admit that if you are not technically inclined at all…meaning you struggle to use your smartphone, you may not find it so user friendly.

How to Start a Blog with HostGator

Step 1: Choose a Hosting Package

HostGator has plenty of affordable plans that are perfect for starting your blog.

According to them, their most popular package is the Baby plan, because it allows for unlimited domains. This used to be the package I recommended to clients, but I have now started to recommend the Business plan because it comes with a private SSL. This is important because Google recently made updates to their search to identify sites that are ‘secure,’ meaning they have a SSL certificate vs. sites that are ‘unsecure,’ and do not have an SSL. Google is also giving prominence in their search engine rankings for sites that are secured with a SSL certificate.

Once you select a plan, click the bright yellow ‘Get Started Now!’ Button to add the hosting package to your cart.

Step 2: Choose a Domain Name

You can use HostGator’s domain registration tool to check for a domain name that is available. From here you can register a new domain name, or click the second tab “I Already Own This Domain,” if you are only buying hosting.


Make sure you keep Domain Privacy Protection checked. This will mask your domain information in ICANN and replaces it with HostGator’s, so that you can maintain a level of privacy. If you don’t do this, you can expect to receive spam and unsolicited emails from people trying to sell you on their services, Viagra, and maybe even to collect an inheritance from a Nigerian prince.

Scroll down to step 2. Here you’ll need to enter a user name and password that you’ll use to manage your hosting account with HostGator. In step 3, you will enter your billing information.

The fourth step is to sell you on a bunch of additional services that really are not necessary. I always tell clients to skip those because I install plugins that take care of most of those items. If you are starting a blog on your own, you can find a decent array of free to low-cost plugins to do those same things.

When you reach step 5, make sure to enter coupon code CEDBLOG25. If you go to HostGator by clicking my affiliate link here, you’ll receive an extra 25% off. Yay for discounts!

Finally, click that you agree to the Terms and Conditions, then the big yellow ‘Checkout Now!’ button.

Step 3: Install WordPress

The next step is installing WordPress, the world’s most popular blogging platform, so you can get to work writing, sharing and posting.

When you completed your purchase, you should have received an email from HostGator with your cPanel username and password. cPanel is the portal you’ll use to manage your web hosting. The cPanel link is unique to you, so be sure to bookmark it for future reference.

If you are a Colleen Eakins Design client and I directed you to this post to help you set up your account, this is the email you need to forward to me. You also do not need to complete any further steps.

Log into cPanel and click on the Quick Install icon.

From there, you’ll see an option to Install WordPress for free.

Click the Install WordPress button and then complete the form accordingly.

    1. The Base Domain for your installation.
    2. The sub directory you would like the site to load from, if desired. You can leave this blank. Example: Should you wish your WordPress URL to be mydomain.com/site instead of just mydomain.com. Your site will always display this extension if you enter one.
    3. For Admin Email, enter an email address where you want the admin password emailed to. Make sure this is a working email address.
    4. For Blog Title, enter the name of the website. This is what will appear in the header as the name of your site.
    5. For Admin Username, enter your preferred user name.
    6. Your first name.
    7. Your last name.
    8. Click Install WordPress when you’re ready to proceed.

A progress bar at the top of the page will let you know when installation is complete. Once complete, you will be able to start working on your WordPress site. Check your email for your WordPress username and password as well as a link to your WordPress dashboard.

That’s it! You are now ready to log into your WordPress blog and start your blogging empire. Remember to save a little dough with HostGator in the process by using the coupon code CEDBLOG25, to get 25% off.


Develop a Winning Marketing Plan for Your Business Mobile App

If you decide to develop an app, it’s important you don’t fall into a “Field of Dreams” syndrome. That famous movie brought us the line “If you build it, they will come.” Keep in mind; they were referring specifically to a baseball field in the middle of a farm! If that’s not what you’re doing, forget all about that advice forever. For the rest of us, marketing is required to gain traction. In the world of mobile apps, you have to go out and find users!

Put Your App in the Forefront of Your Online Marketing Initiative

The strongest move to make is tying your app into all of your current online efforts. Media companies have been doing this for years. Websites that were once newspapers now have millions of users for their apps. They grew their audience by suggesting their mobile application often. The same strategy is one for you to use as the foundation for your efforts. Leverage, your current customers to help you develop an audience of mobile users.

Stand out from the Crowd

Originality pays when it comes to app design. Most ideas have already been seen, making it nearly impossible to stand out. If your app is a “me too” offering, you’ll struggle to find virality. You may not be able to come up with something entirely new. That’s nearly impossible in most cases. However, putting a twist on an idea is a way of creating an offering with sufficient differentiation. A unique take on even a traditional subject contains enough originality to create market demand. Put your thinking cap on and outline what it is that makes your application different.

Harness the Power of Social Networks to Market Your App

Social media marketing is your friend when you need to market an app. Users in every imaginable demographic inhabit the large social networks. You can find your perfect prospects by creating and distributing content that helps them decide to use your application. One of the most impressive aspects of social media marketing is that it helps people quickly endorse and recommend things they love. If they like using your application, they’ll notify friends.

Prepare an Unbeatable Elevator Pitch

Have your 15-second elevator pitch ready for everyone. It’s crucial that you’re able to outline the benefits or your app fast. People are known for their short attention spans these days. Bore them at your peril! If they don’t “get” what you’re all about quickly, they’ll move on. Even 15 seconds might be too long. Shorten your pitch to even less if you can. Look at the impact that “ride-hailing” apps have had on the world. That show a two-word description does a perfect job of exposing the main feature of the app. Think along those same lines and you’ll be able to sell a download to just about anybody. People always want to know what’s in it for them.

Never Forget Branding

Marketing your mobile application requires a strong branding effort. The fastest way to gain attention in a marketplace is a strong brand. The world’s most famous ones dominate due to their inherent strength. You aren’t looking to convince everyone in the world to try your app. Instead, focus on defining your targets as precisely as possible. Don’t underestimate the importance of having a catchy name and tagline! People love extraordinary brands, so it’s worth putting forth the energy to create one.

Figure out What Your Competitors Are Doing to Market Their App

It’s a smart idea to know your competition. Your mobile app is not going to be the only one of its kind. You can be sure of that simple fact. Therefore, you should take the time to study what the other companies are doing to spread their version. You may be able to incorporate some of their ideas into your overall marketing strategy. You also can spend some time differentiating your offering from theirs. One of the most common questions prospects wonder, “why should I choose this one over another?” Make sure it’s clear to them why your download is the superior one.

Understand the Subtleties

Android and iOS apps require different types of marketing strategies. Android apps can be uploaded free to large vendors, which is fantastic. However, since it’s free, expect lots and lots of other apps to be there already. Apple listings cost hard earned money, meaning you have to make back more money for the efforts. You may decide to combine both kinds of apps for the widest possible audience. If you understand demographics, you’ll see patterns emerge. Your typical users are going to have many things in common. Refine these people’s characteristics to the point where you’re able to target people quickly and then consider paid placements. You can advertise apps just about everywhere mobile users hang out.

Don’t Forget the Importance of Quality

Apps that function poorly or look bad won’t get anywhere. You have to be a stickler for high quality. Hire a professional developer who knows the business inside and out. There are many new app developers out there who just don’t have the experience needed to produce quality, useful mobile apps. It’s tempting to give them a try, but resist the urge and go with professionals. Once your app is out there, the last thing you want is to deal with bugs. With the right team and framework in place, your user base will flourish. You won’t need to go back and tweak any poor code or fix bugs! Stick with the best development and the rewards will be enormous.

Making a mobile app is a significant step towards effective mobile marketing. The best apps fit in with your other initiatives, strengthening your branding and selling. With a comprehensive marketing strategy in place, you’ll see the types of results other companies only imagine in their dreams. Apps deliver a high degree of prestige along with their other benefits. Your business will stand out from others due to technological innovation. In today’s increasingly competitive environment, every little bit helps.

Thinking about developing a mobile app for your small business? Not sure where to start?

Determine Your Mobile App Needs Through Research and Discovery

More and more businesses are deciding on creating custom apps. The idea is a sound one due to all the benefits app owners receive. However, despite this desire to appeal to mobile users, many small business operators don’t understand the process involved with bringing an app from its initial design to distribution. What matters most is, that any app you develop meets your business objectives. It’s not enough to try to produce a trending app if it doesn’t deliver new customers or revenue. That’s why professional developers have come up with a system to refine the goals behind the application.

Market Research and Discovery Top the List

The initial stage of mobile app development is arguably the most crucial. Market research helps companies define a particular strategy that defines what characteristics define the app’s users. Any app you develop must fit neatly into your current mobile marketing strategy. It’s one piece of a larger puzzle that provides a cohesive user experience.

Brainstorming is a fantastic first step. Gather together your team members and have a session where people come up with useful ideas about your mobile purpose. You may not be able to incorporate every idea into your design, but the best ones will give you a starting point. Your developer is going to have a lot of information for you about your market. Give them as much insight as you can into how your customers act and they’ll help define a strategy. You need to know how your app is going to appeal to potential prospects. There must be something that draws them in and keeps them around.

Successfully solving your customer’s problems is the quick way to find users. People install the applications they think will make their lives easier. Always operate within a framework of problem-solving when you’re researching your idea. It helps that you start the project with a specific budget in mind. Budgetary constraints limit the scope of the application but are useful for establishing objectives. Armed with your goals and a budget, your developer will have little trouble coming up with an app you’ll be proud to offer!

Knowing how the app stores work helps you understand how to reach your market. You’ll have to do app marketing. Otherwise, you can’t expect to see too many installs. You’ll want your current customers to use your app, so making them aware it exists is your first plan. However, you’re also going to want to draw in potential clients who may want to try it. It doesn’t matter what your specific objective is, but it does matter how you plan on reaching users. App stores are crowded marketplaces, so the common elements of effective marketing need to be in place.

Define All the Objectives of the App

It’s clear that the app you develop must do something for users. It also must accomplish goals for your organization. With a bit of planning, that’s not going to be an issue. Are you looking to sign up brand new customers? Do you plan on charging a premium for the app? It’s crucial to discuss fundamental matters such as these before you start coding. The decision you make will define who your most likely users are and how you’ll distribute your app.

Integrating your brand message into all elements of your mobile marketing strategy is a proven way to grow your following. Most large organizations push apps aggressively through their primary marketing channels. They also reinforce their core message with their app. That’s not a bad plan for small businesses to follow.

Use Storyboards and Wireframes

This stage is where the rubber meets the road for app development. Storyboards and wireframes allow you to construct the delicate framework of your mobile applications. You get a chance to flesh out the details of your project and to assure once again that the app meets objectives. This point in your process is the right time to incorporate branding elements. Mobile apps are a powerful tool for branding and establishing communications.

During this part of the process, you’ll look at various APIs to integrate. Many applications get their power through third party APIs. Many features that you want to implement in your app can be made more robust via third parties. Data integrations and infrastructure are also going to concern your developer at this point. You have to have the right framework in place so that your app works and is scalable.

It’s important to take mobile users seriously. They now represent a vast majority of your potential market. Cohesive integrations between your current website, social, and mobile assets will help you unlock greater value across your customer chain. It pays to strategize on what your app does really. Solving recurring and persistent problems is the best way to get people to use and continue to use apps. Often, the idea of solving problems is easier said than done. Minor nuisances are not enough to build on. Instead, you’re looking for the kinds of problems that keep people awake at night! Once you tackle one of those, you’ll find that growing your app user base is easy enough.

Don’t be afraid to rely on your developer’s expertise. They have done the same type of work for other clients, so they have the experience to guide you. Once you’re able to explain as clearly as possible your vision, leave it up to them to bring it to reality. It’s not enough to get people to install your app one time. You’ll also have to come up with ways to get them to engage with the app over time. The whole process can be a daunting challenge, but with enough effort, the payoff is well worth it. Apps are growing at a rate that is truly inspirational. Your business will benefit significantly from having a quality app that works well. Rest assured, mobile marketing is going to remain a key to business success for the foreseeable future. Move ahead of the competition with an excellent app.

Thinking about developing a mobile app for your small business? Give us a shout!

Thinking about developing a mobile app for your small business? Not sure where to start?


What Is The Difference Between A Mobile Website and a Mobile App?

With technology changing at the speed of light, it can be challenging for business owners who don’t consider themselves to be ‘technically savvy’ to stay abreast of the shifts in digital technology. Specifically, when it pertains to mobile.

While many business owners recognize the need to have a web presence that’s compatible with mobile traffic, there can be some confusion about the differences between a mobile-friendly website and a mobile application.

In many cases, a mobile web app and a native app sound like one in the same, especially at first glance. What discerns these two very similar sounding products are the features that they possess.

To decide whether a mobile app or a mobile-friendly website are right for your objectives, here are some important factors to consider:

Everyone is on Mobile!

A recent report by Pew Research Center discovered 72% of adults polled own a Smartphone and use their device to access the Internet. While there are still people who use desktop or laptop computers to go online, these numbers have declined over the past decade.

A mobile-friendly website, also known as a “responsive website,” basically is designed to format on display screens of all sizes. This is regardless of whether it’s a wide-screen smart-television, a laptop computer, a tablet, or the latest smartphone introduced on the market. In many cases, mobile-friendly websites use features such as click-to-call, mapping, and geo-location to help improve the user experience when people visit the site. People must type in your URL (Universal Resource Locator) or domain name to access your site.

Mobile apps are different in the fact that they have to get downloaded on your mobile device from an app store such as Google Play or the Apple App Store. When downloaded, the mobile app is effectively installed on your device and allows you to access the mobile app at the touch of a button. In some cases, users can operate the mobile app even if they don’t have an active internet connection if that feature gets developed in the DNA of the mobile app design. Other apps may require an active internet connection to use them.

What Functionality is Most Important for Your Customers’ Mobile Experience?

Regardless of what your overall business model is, it’s always a smart idea to offer your website visitors or mobile app users the features that are mutually beneficial. By serving the needs of your clients, you are going the extra steps to assure that they come back to your site or use your mobile app again and again.

For instance, if you own a restaurant, both a mobile-friendly website and a multifunctional app that offers customers the ability to browse your menu, get directions to your establishment, check for special offers, make reservations, or order and pay online can significantly increase your revenue. It’s not hard to earn back a return and profit on the original investment because it helps generate more revenue for your company.

If, however, you don’t have a physical product and want to offer something more recreational like a mobile game, a mobile app works perfectly. Most mobile users prefer to use installed apps to do their favorite activities including streaming content, playing games, and shopping.

Build Customer Loyalty and Brand Awareness

Mobile apps and mobile-friendly websites are an essential component of building brand awareness and customer loyalty. In many cases, if a potential client just wants to learn more about your company and your product offerings, a mobile-friendly website is a suitable way to introduce them to your brand.

Providing these visitors with your phone number, your product or service offerings, and directions are often enough to answer their questions. These visitors may not be willing to download an app to their smartphones or tablets just to gather this basic information.

However, if you’ve developed a devoted base of customers and you’re able to give additional incentives to them, a mobile app offers a means to extend these deals through the power of your mobile application.

Special offers only made available to app users help encourage more of your customers to install the app and take advantage of your deals when they’re available. Further, functionality such as digital punch cards are perfect for boosting repeat visits to your establishment and increasing per ticket revenue at a modest marketing cost.

A Mobile Investment in Your Company

No matter whether you decide to implement a mobile-friendly website, launch a mobile app, or do both, an investment in mobile compatibility is almost always going to be worth the initial expense. Many business owners are budget conscious and want to get the most return for their stake in growing their company.

If you’re just making the first changes needed to become mobile compatible, and you don’t need a lot of bells and whistles, a mobile friendly website is a good place to start. The development time and cost is reasonable enough for most, and it provides the functionality that’s needed to display pertinent information to customers and potential customers.

When you want to reach broader markets on a larger scale, mobile apps make accessibility a lot easier. Instead of having to enter a URL into a search bar, all the user has to do is pull up the app on their device – no extra steps are required. A mobile app shortens the click path to your business, eliminating the need for your customers to use a search engine or remember your website address to find you online. As you can imagine, the shorter the path to your business front, the better!

Which Do You Need?

Are you unsure of how you need to approach your mobile audience? If so, Colleen and the team at Colleen Eakins Design can offer solutions to help you meet the needs of your mobile patrons. Head on over to the [ contact ] page to get the discussion started today!